Thursday 5 March 2015

Day 8 - Run / Swim / Bike Intervals + Team Dinner!

Today started off with an early morning easy 7km run with Eric and Alex. After a little breakfast we headed to NTC for our group swim.

Today's swim was shorter but with faster intervals. The main set consisted of two times through of 4 x 100 fast, 100 ez pull, 4 x 50 faster, 100 ez pull. Dave S. and Phil convinced me to swim with them despite the fact that they are substantially faster. It worked out ok for the first set of intervals but I opted for the pull buoy and paddles for the second set.

After the intervals we each had an oppertunity to have our swim recorded and then Dave D. spliced the underwater and above videos together. Clearly there are a few items in my stroke that I can improve.
Post ride photo of the guys who road today! (Some of the guys were resting!)

After some lunch we headed out for bike intervals. Since we are racing on Sunday the intensity was high but the volume was low. The main set consisted of 2min hard, 2min easy, 2 x (1.5min harder, 2.5min easy), 3 x (1min even harder, 3min easy), and finally 4 x (30s sprint, 3.5min easy). We had the choice of doing the intervals in a pace line or solo. I elected to ride solo as I wanted to put in some hard efforts. It was an especially tough workout as it was hot and the wind was quite intense.

And tonight we went out to Olive Garden for a group dinner!

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