
Looking for a Coach?

I am currently a Trained Community Coach in Canada by the NCCP and working towards my Competitive Coaching Certification.

Coaching Fee $125/mth (initial setup fee is $100)
- a Premium Training Peaks Account
- unlimited e-mails/phone calls
- Annual Training Plan
- personalized training plan

I have a limited number of coaching slots remaining for the 2017 Season.

Please contact me for further details.

References are available upon request.


  1. Hey man, i found your blog last week while searching for things and subscribed. Great job in Kona, truly inspiring man. We seem to be comparable on the swim/bike but you just destroy me in the run. I would love to know what types of things you do on the run! I'm a 5x iron finisher with a PB of 9:34 at IM'WA in December of last year in M25-29. I went 1:02/4:51/3:38 on NP of 234, FTP of 298 at 80% IF. I'm training right now for the last 11 weeks and in Base 2, week 3. I got Geelong 70.3 in February and IM Australia in May. I'm using Joe Friels training for Serious Triathletes but definitely need to improve my run by 30 minutes. My PB is a 3:08 and 3:06, I ran boston for charity in 2009 and then qualified with the 3:08 and ran the next year. I've done 20 marathons but know that I need to get into 2:50 marathon shape to try and go sub 3:10 in the IM Marathon. Would love to hear from you., Thanks!

    1. Kevin - thanks for reaching out. I just sent you an e-mail so if you didn't receive it then check your spam or junk box. I trust what I sent helps.
