Friday, 6 March 2015

Day 9 - Prerace Recovery Day

So today was our recovery day in preparation for Sunday's Draft Legal Challenge in Clermont. Our coach Dave Harju left it up to each individual to decide what they needed to do. I opted to run, swim, and bike today.

I woke up early and started the day off with a light 7km run. During the second portion of the run I included five excels to race intensity each lasting between 10-30s seconds.

After the run I had breakfast then headed with a portion of the group to the NTC for a swim. The pool was setup for long course today which is definately nice. The workout today was relatively easy with the intent of focusing on form. All total I swam 2400m.

After the swim it was back to the houses for some rest and recovery. After lunch I headed out with Dave H. Alex, and Dave D. for a light recovery ride. During the ride Dave D. spotted an alligator so we of course stopped to check him out.
Our little friend - the alligator. (Photo Credit - Dave D)

This evening I went to the athlete pre-race mtg with Sarah, and Marc (Geoff, Dave H. and Jason also went) as none of us had done this race before. Once we got back from the pre-race mtg we had our own team meeting. After the team mtg the team surpised me with a B-Day Cake seeing as it was my 32nd B-Day. I think Dave D. was the mastermind behind the cakes. It was greatly appreciated.

A couple B-Day cakes for this old man! (Photo Credit - Martin)
Up tomorrow is some activiation and watching the Elite Race!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy reading your posts mate, keep em comin. Got one of mine as well. Feel free to check it out:
