Monday, 19 May 2014

Kona Bound!!! Ironman Texas Race Report 2014!

The Coutee and Maley Support Crews hanging out for a picture! (minus the ladies)
So really Ironman Texas was all about my poor race in Kona last year. I had no clue what had happened on the run and was really after a little redemption. I had originally planned to stop racing Ironman after Kona last year as I felt I was at a point in my life where I needed to spend more time with the kids. Don’t get me wrong I was still planning on racing Half-Ironmans and dabble in some short course racing.

My wife was of course gracious enough to allow me another year of racing. As we had enjoyed ourselves immensely last year in Texas we decided that we’d give Ironman Texas another go. That coupled with the fact that we had friends, Adam and Jen Coutee, living in Spring, TX. It would be Adam’s first Ironman so being here with him was also an added bonus. 

We drove (approx 3400kms) from Cold Lake, AB to Spring, TX starting on Friday and arrived shortly after lunch on Monday. I had come down with a nasty cold or something on the Friday before we had left and was not feeling great for most of the day. Regardless of that fact, I figured I would take it easy early in the week and give the body a chance for a little recovery. As the week progressed I started to feel a bit better but I couldn’t shake the cold. 

Part way through the week I realized that the race was going to be wetsuit legal. I had looked at my Nineteen Rogue while I was packing and had said to myself that there was no point packing my wetsuit as IM Texas is always a non-wetsuit swim. Well, thankfully Devashish Paul was still at home in Ottawa and he graciously offered to bring me a suit. When Dev showed up on Thursday, he gave me Brandon Marsh’s old Rocket Science Sport Wetsuit which fit perfectly. I was so extremely grateful for Dev and the other slowtwitchers who reached out to help, despite my poor planning.

Race day came quickly and I was up and ready to go by 0400hrs. Seeing as Adam was also racing, we were able to drive to the start together which allowed our wives and kids to get a little extra sleep. I checked into T1 and then headed to North Shore Park. Once there, I realized that I had forgotton to put my cut-up bonk breakers and salt tablets in my Bento Box on the bike. I knew I could get by without the Bonk Breakers (they would be provided at the aid stations), but I figured the salt tablets were probably a necessity. So thanks to the race being wetsuit legal I was able to put the items in my back pocket and then zip up my wetsuit. 

The start was frantic and I was quickly in and out of contact. I just tried to find a little open water and get into a good rhythm.  I managed to get my goggles knocked off a couple times, but felt very strong throughout the swim. The waterway to T1 is always a neat experience as the banks are lined with people cheering you on. I was happy to exit the water and see 1:05 on my watch. A swim PB of 4min is always a great way to start off the race. Ok, well I figured it was coming as I haven’t done a wetsuit IM swim since IM CdA in 2012 and thanks to my old coach, Brian Grasky, my swim had improved immensely over that period of time. 

It was onto the bike and a portion of the race that I always enjoy, well, enjoy for at least the first couple hours. I was aiming for about ~200W on the bike, but wanted to take it smart given my meltdown in Kona last year. I took it a little easy for the first 30min to an hour on the bike and watched as my average power started in the low 190s and crept up to just over 200W. As the race progressed that number only dipped slightly and for the first time in an Ironman I felt like I still had a little left at the end of the bike portion. Bike time was 4:50 and my power was 196W Avg or 198W NP. The bike was a couple minutes slower than last year, but I was satisfied with the result.

Running through North Shore Park
Onto the run and into my favourite discipline of the sport. I quickly settled into what I thought was a comfortable pace of ~4:08/km. My stomach didn’t feel great so I just took water for the first couple aid stations. Once it settled a bit then I started to work in a little Gu Energy Gel (Salted Caramel) from my flask. Just before I finished the first lap, I passed Jordan Rapp (who was one lap ahead of me). I was hoping that I could run with him, but he was clearly having a rough day on the run and I skirted past him. I was happy to go through North Shore Park again where I saw Claudia and the kids. Shortly thereafter my pace started to drop. One km I was running 4:08/km and the next I was doing my best to run 4:18/km.  Late in the second lap, Matthew Russell who had now moved into second overall place passed me on the run. (He was also a lap ahead of me). I decided to try and pick-up my pace and then was successfully able to run with Matt for a couple kilometers. The last lap was rough but I knew I just needed to stay strong.

Heading to the finish!
I was thankful to finally be at the finish and seeing 9:20 on the clock(clock was set for the Pros who had started 15min ahead of the Age Groupers) as I crossed meant I had just set a new Ironman PB of 9:05.  My run split was a respectable 3:03, which would turn out to be the fastest age group run split of the day.

As I crossed the line and tried to walk a little I was completely spent and for the first time ever in an Ironman I found myself in a wheel chair headed for the medical tent. Everyone in the medical tent was great. They checked my vitals and provided a nice cool place to lie down. I felt ok, just very weak. After a few minutes, I convinced them that I was feeling ok and I was able to get released. 
F30-34 and M30-34 Podium

It was another overall great race experience and finishing 24OA, 4th Amateur, and 2nd in M30-34 was icing on the cake. With the result, I was able to obtain a coveted Kona slot for the 3rd year in a row.

A big congratulations to my friend, Adam Coutee, who completed his first Ironman in a time of 11:25. And a huge congrats to first year Pro Matt Hanson on his 6th OA placing and his insanely fast run split of 2:41.