Michelle, me, and Gary following the long trail run! |
First off I want to say a huge thank you to Gary &
Michelle Barnes for hosting an amazing camp in Scottsdale, AZ. I have been very
intrigued by Brett Sutton’s training methods and over the past couple years I
have started diving into it a bit more. I wanted to attend a TriSutto camp to
experience first hand some of the techniques and principles that Brett Sutton
has developed. I met Michelle last year while traveling to Phoenix and I met
Gary last year at ITU Long Course Worlds in Penticton. Michelle is the TriSutto
head coach in Canada and Gary just recently came on board with TriSutto (at the personal
request of Brett Sutton), though he has been involved in coaching
for many years.
In case anyone is wondering who is/was coached by Brett
Sutton – Chrissie Wellington, Daniela Ryf, Nicola Spirig, Mary Beth Ellis, Chris
McCormack (in his early days), James Cunnama, Josh Amberger, Sarah Crowley (Josh
& Sarah are both coached by Cameron Watt an associate coach of Brett’s) and
the list goes on and on. Over the past several years Brett has taken his tried
and true methods of training professional athletes to the age group ranks with
great success. The more I’ve read up on the TriSutto methodologies, the more I’ve
become a believer. It makes sense, and it’s clearly working.
To utilize a common term we use in the military – BLUF (Bottom
Line up-front) – the camp was exactly what I needed. There was lots of
intensity and a good chunk of volume - in my opinion - in a perfect balance. I left
the camp not feeling smashed, but confident and definitely fitter than the day
I showed up. That being said, race fitness is not built in a single week, but
through consistent training.
Here is a quick run down on the camp. Hopefully I’m not
letting out any TriSutto secrets.
Monday – Swim & Big Gear Intervals on the Bike
The campers showing off their new Eney Buoys! |
Tuesday – Run (short fast intervals), Swim, Run (easy/steady)
Wednesday – Swim, Bike (Short Big Gear Hills), Bike (Longish)
Short Hill Reps All completed! |
Thursday – Swim, Run (Short Hills), Bike (Build)
Michelle explaining the hill repeats! |
Gary and I smashing out another 10km TT! |
Friday – Long Ride to Bartlett Reservoir (I added a swim prior to
the bike)
Gary & I on one of the descents into Bartlett Reservoir |
Saturday – Long Run on the trails, Recovery Swim
Note: Any day that we did not have a run scheduled, I added
an additional easy run of 30-60min with the exception of Friday.
I ended up with just over 24hrs of training for the week. Swim
– ~15km, Bike ~400km, Run ~80km.
One of the keys to staying ready for the next workout this
week was the recovery. I made sure to start/finish each day with F2CPharma-Greens and a scoop of F2C Ultra-Durance. Each workout was followed up
with a serving or two of F2C Rehab 3:1 and each evening I made sure to fit in a
30-60min session with my Rapid Reboot. Note: If you are interested in trying out the F2C Products you can use the discount code Joel15 for 15% off your next order.
So would I recommend the camp? Absolutely. Just keep your
ego in check (otherwise you are likely to be smashed mid-week), have fun with
the other athletes, and enjoy learning and training in a positive