Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Ageing up and Some Random Thoughts

So March 6th brought the inevitable; the reality that I was getting older and it was time to move up an age group. I am looking forward to some tougher, or perhaps better worded, deeper competition in the 30-34 category this year.  I spent the day in Edmonton with my friends at Element and then enjoyed a nice meal out in St Albert with the owners of Element, friends from STARRT (St Albert Road Runners and Triathlon Club) and of course my lovely wife and kids!

March 24th brought an end to the annual 100 runs in 100 days challenge. I had originally set my sights on getting back to the 100 mark this year, but was really just after getting some solid base in during the period. I finished off with 90 runs and 1184kms. I figured that was a good start to the year. Now it is time to put running on the back burner and really focus on the swim and the bike in the coming weeks.

Between my birthday and the end of the running challenge, I spent two wonderful weeks in Winnipeg (or as we like to call it Winterpeg) getting smarter with some Professional Development. The two weeks in Winterpeg were far from optimal for training, but I still managed to get some decent training in each week. Spending a few workouts on the exercise bikes at the gym was a real reminder to me of how uncomfortable a saddle can be.  

And finally I am excited to be racing in a custom trisuit from Kiwami Canada for the upcoming season.  Kiwami Canada sells a Canadian Edition of the Amphibian so I decided to race in that for the season and get some logos screened on.  If you are looking for a nice suit, I'm sure Olivier Mouyau at Kiwami Canada would be more than happy to hook you up.